From Grief to Grace:

A Therapist's Personal Journey Of Healing After Loss

In her searingly honest self-help memoir, From Grief to Grace, Anita opens up about loss after her brother’s death. 

She shares what it’s like to grapple with soul-shattering pain and sadness when you’re the professional who is supposed to have all the answers. 

With vulnerability and hard-won wisdom, Anita recounts her struggles with faith, how she found comfort in memories, and the importance of having loved ones around who could truly understand her suffering.

From Grief to Grace beautifully balances the author’s personal experiences with the practical insights she has gained over decades of supporting others through loss and trauma as a therapist. Her words show that even perceived “experts” in grief counseling are not immune to the unruly waves of emotions following a devastating loss.

However, her journey also offers hope. 

Through heartfelt storytelling, she shares the lessons she learned while walking the lines between mourning her brother and processing those experiences through her professional lens. Her heartfelt words reassure us that it is possible to emerge from the abyss of grief and find grace, peace, and meaning again. 

For anyone who has loved and lost, this memoir is a comforting reminder: 

You are not alone in this journey.